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How can civil society organisations be more effective? 

Global CSO Partnership 

I had the privilege to be a part of the Global Civil society Organisation (CSO) Partnership for Development Effectiveness since 2013. 

This global platform is first of its kind that brings together national and regional platforms of CSOs working in development cooperation. 

 It helps strengthen their capacities and advocate globally to governments, private sector and others on key issues – from transparency, to accountability, to true partnerships. A lot of ambitions, a lot of passion and first fruits! 

What European CSOs do and what stops them 

Check the European brief How European Civil Society Organisations Strive for their Development Effectiveness with concrete examples and constraints CSOs face. 

 It has been prepared by the Working group on CSO Development Effectiveness at CONCORD for the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in Mexico on 15 – 16 April 2014. 

 …or go through this presentation given at on behalf of CONCORD at the CSO Forum in Mexico on 14 April 2014 organised by the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness. 

What CSOs from across the world do and what stops them 

This review The Journey from Istanbul contains a summary of the implementation of Istanbul principles on CSO Development Effectiveness and case studies from 19 countries from across the world, including their specific national context and constrains. 

It has been prepared by the Working group on CSO Development Effectiveness at the CSO Partnership. 

The High Level Meeting on Effective Development Cooperation in April 2014 

While the meeting did not further development effectiveness commitments, it was a useful deadline to report on progress and of course it served networking and debating what actually CAN be done than what all DOES NOT work. 

 The final communique with 38 voluntary initiatives from Mexico is here. Check the opinions on this by Eurodad or CPDE

You can check some interesting debates and resources on private sector in development and others on my Twitter: 

Check also the blog of the CSO Partnership.