our passions

We are passionate about development and social issues. 

Participatory approach is for us key to learning and empowerment of all social and development actors and therefore for sustainable changes.            

We evaluate projects, facilitate processes, help organisations set-up systems and develop.

about us
IPA s.r.o. is a Czech consultancy company, established in 1991 in Jihlava. It has gradually developed a wide range of services in relation to data processing and analysis, planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning. Moreover, it offers hosting on-line and face-to-face learning events and engaging conversations, in line with the Art of Hosting philosophy and principles. Its staff and external experts offer experiences in a number of sectors including formal and non-formal education, social affairs, sustainable development, business development, development cooperation and humanitarian assistance.
This website is dedicated to sharing experiences and providing support of participatory planning, monitoring, evaluation, learning and other related processes. Free of charge.
Inka Bartošová (born Píbilová) has been the Managing Director of IPA s.r.o. since 2002 together with Josef Píbil and Renata Korečková.

IPA s r.o.
Husova 11, 58601 Jihlava
Tel: +420 732 437 070
Web: www.evaluace.com
E-mail: inka@evaluace.com
ID (IČ): 18198317
Tax ID (DIČ):CZ18198317 (VAT payer)

Описание изображения

"As a facilitator, I deal with planning, monitoring and evaluation as well as with strategic planning or organisational development. 
I would first discuss with you your learning and engagement needs. Then I would tailor the cooperation to your needs and capacities. 
I am a passionate promoter of Art of Hosting - a way to engage people in meaningful conversations. I have experience hosting and facilitating Circles, World Cafes, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry and ProAction Cafes. 
At workshops, I foster action learning, based on examples from your work, group discussions and other methods that cover several learning styles. I believe that implementation of action plans from workshops and follow-up are crucial to help participants reflect lessons learnt in practice."
Inka Bartošová (Píbilová) 

Описание изображения

Education and social issues in Czechia / CEE 

– Advising on methodology to evaluate the Rapid Re-housing project, which aims to provide social housing and tailor-made social services to 50 underprivileged families (60% Roma). The methodology includes Randomized Control Trial and qualitative research (2016 - 2018).

– Advising on focus, methodology, data analysis and synthesis of the external institutional review of the Roma Education Fund´s Headquarters from 2006 to 2016, as requested by the World Bank (2016 - 2017)

– Needs assessment and evaluation of accessibility and quality of social services for socially excluded population, commissioned by the Agency together with Jesenik city (2015)

– Mid-term evaluation of the project Together to Preschool, focusing on Roma inclusion in preschool education, funded by the Roma Education Fund (2015)

– Devised on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Training of trainers of kindergarten and primary teachers – project funded by the Czech Ministry of Education. Devises on Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (2014 - 2015)

– Ongoing evaluation of the project developing trainers for kindergarten and primary teachers by Fakta ltd (2014 – 2015) 

– Advising on monitoring and evaluation of the Fair Play project by Amnesty International in CR (2013 – 2017) 

– Piloting and evaluation of e-learning for Czech NGOs, schools, local authorities and companies by NUV-National Institute for Education (2013) 


Development Education & Awareness Raising in Europe 

– Leading evaluation of the Change Your Shoes campaign in 20 EU countries, India, Indonesia and China (2017 - 2018)

– Advising on methodology to monitor and evaluate the 7-country project Global Schools to embed Global Learning in primary education (2016 - 2018) 

– Co-evaluated Reframing the message focusing on the image of development cooperation in the EU, implemented by Wilde Ganzen (2015).

– Advising on monitoring and evaluation of the EU-funded project Quality or Quantity? by RISC UK (2013 – 2016) 

– Evaluation of EC-funded Initiative for Migration and Development – CoMiDe by VIDC (2014) 

– Evaluation of an EC-funded fairtrade campaign in Europe by Intermon Oxfam (2013) 

– Evaluation of an EC_funded global educational project in Europe by Centrum Narovinu (2012). 

– Evaluation of the EC-funded project LaNgonpo in primary schools and towards public in the Czech Republic and India (2012). 

– Evaluation of the EC-funded project Mobilizing for a sector dialogue for the improvement of working conditions in the globalized toy industry (“Stop Toying Around”),implemented by Suedwind Agentur and partners (2012) 


International Development & Humanitarian Aid  in Europe, Africa, Asia

– Evaluation of the Community-Led Total Sanitation and School-Led Total Sanitation of GOAL India (2015 - 2016)

– Evaluation of the project “Promoting cancer prevention among women in the Šumadija region” in Serbia for the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2015)

– Programme Evaluation of the Czech Development Cooperation supporting Human Rights, Democracy and Societal Transformation (2014) 

– Evaluation of ECHO-funded EU Aid Volunteers Pilot Project by ICCO (2013) 

– Evaluation of a Czech-funded health project in Georgia, by Caritas CR (2013) 

– Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS project in Kenya, commissioned by UNDP Bratislava, implemented by Magna Children at Risk (2012). 

– Evaluation of Czech-funded social and educational projects in Mongolia by Caritas CR (2012) 

– Mid-term and final evaluation of the EC-funded project Prevention of child trafficking and reintegration of victims in Ethiopia, led by People In Need (2011, 2012) 

– Evaluation of an educational & community development project in tsunami-affected areas of Andra Pradesh by ADRA (2009) 

– Mid-term evaluation of an educational & community development project in conflict-affected areas of Northeast India, funded by Help A Child Netherlands and implemented by RPCNEI. (2009) 

sharing and more...
"I am passionate about strengthening evaluation capacities in the Czech Republic, Europe and elsewhere. As a Board member of the Czech Evaluation Society (CES) in 2015 and 2016, I initiated steering peer reviews among evaluators and contributed to improvements in the Official Development Assisstance system including evaluations. Further, I contribute to evaluation conferences and other activities as an individual member of the IDEAS – International Development Evaluation Association and other networks. Check my LinkedIn profile for more details."
Inka Bartošová (Píbilová)
do you need help?

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This web is for implementers of social, educational, awareness raising or international development projects. 

Let's explore together how to plan projects, monitor them to make informed decisions, engage meaningfully diverse people... and conduct evaluations that matter - that are used to improve people's lives and sustain our environment. 

Feel free to contact us to share your experiences or ask for help. We are eager to hear your stories!

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Inka Bartošová (Píbilová )

Address IPA s.r.o.Husova 1158601 Jihlava
Phone +420732437070
Email inka@evaluace.com